Friday, February 20, 2009

The skill everyone needs

The skill that I think that everyone should know is math. I think that you should know math because there is a lot of ways that math is use in the world. There is using math when your at work. Then you have to use math when your at school. You also have to use math in a everyday life.

Then you will have to learn how to do the math at school for you to get a good job. You will need to learn how to count money with out your hands. You need to know to all that because you don’t want to have a bad job. You need to know math for you to do all your work. You need to know how to count money. Then you need to know how to do or put money in decimals. you will also need to know how to do fraction. There is many things that you have to do with math. You will also need to pay your bills when you get older and you will have to pay attention in class to do all those things because if you don’t you wont have good job n you will not have to your own house or your own car., you will want to do good and not have job that you will not.

You will use math for every job that you will have. There is math in every job that you get so you will have to pay attention at the ties that your in school for you to know all of that math at you need to know. You will use math he most if you work some where big. Like a bank or something. In the bank you will need to know how to count money. You will need to know how much to put in or not in the bank. At the end of the day you will have to count all the money and you have to put it back for your boss or some new to now what or how much is there. Then you will have to put in decimals. For other people that you work with know and how much is in there.

You will have to use the math in a everyday life. You will have to use the when your at school. Then when your at work. You will also need to know math when you buy things at the store. Like when you but car and when you will buy house or when you will buy any thing in any store. You will not want people to play you in then store. They will sometime give you the wrong amount back and they will make the price more then it already is. And when you buy the house they will try to make the price higher. That why you need to know own your money because they will play you with your money. And how to count and all the other stuff.

The skill that I think that everyone should know is math. I think that you should know math because there is a lot of ways that math is use in the world. There is using math when your at work. Then you have to use math when your at school. You also have to use math in a everyday life. These are my reasons why you will need to know math.
Because you don’t want people to play you with your money. You also will want a good job.

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