Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life changing event

The life chaning event for me was when Jose died he was a very good friend to me and when he died he was really young and that it made me think about life. IT made me think about how life can be short. That you can die anytime with out any body expecting it. I thought about thinks that i never want to do in my life. before i look at life like if you die you die there nothing you can do about it. But to know that he gone i reazlize it will be hard for your parents and your family and your friends for them knowing that there he not there anymore.

You just have to live your life and do thing in your life try to become somebody. For me i never really knew what i want to be in life. i thought that i was just guuna go to high school and then i was going to start to work. But for me to have a friend that is gone and that even get a chance to do anything with his life. It made me think about that i want to do something with my life. i want to change my life around and not to be the same person that i was. I want to care about my school work and to be rude or mean to my family and my friends beacuse at the end there going to be the only ones that care about me.

I really belive that any body can be anything or any one if you want to. But you have to try hard go school. For me not to be invole with any kind of gang becuase that will not take me any where it will just get you in trouble. Make me do things that i want to do . Also that there is many thing that i can do. Is that i cant let any body bring me down i just have to make it for myself. Also that i can show people that i can make it with being in a gang and doing bad thing in my life.

This my life changing event it took for me and every body else that knew Jose that life was short and that anything can happen at any time with out any expecting it and some people dont even think about it but it can happen before you know it. you have to make your life out of something because if you dont then nobody will let you do any thing with your life.

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