Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

when i look at her smile i knew she was up to something. nobody knew what to think of her smile. many people had said that her smile had look like she was a trouble maker. many people had said that her smile had made her look crazy. if something happen at her school and it was bad people say it was the girl with the crazy smile. many people had thought it was funny but they knew it was not true. that it was not her fault. many of her problem with her smile happen at school or if she was with her friends. when people saw her smiling her and her friends when they where at the mall people will call her the a trouble maker. they will say that a smile of somebody that stole something. she will feel bad and did not know what to do any more. her friends told her not to worry about it. they all will tell her that people were crazy and they dont know what they are talking about. To me i really didnt care what her smile was or how it look she was a good person. At school she did not want to smile any more. she just kept to her self she did not smile any more. She will tell her friends that she felt like a freak and she didnt want to smile any more. there where days where she did not smile and many people can be standing in front of her and say where the girl with the crazy smile. there was rumors that she had left to a new school and they were also that they had drove her out the school and they thought it was funny. then she stop going to school . Her friends had tryed really hard and they couldnt do any thing to make her go to school again. Her mom tried everything to get her daughter to smile again. Then her friends had came up with a idea for her to come to school. They had made videos with all the things they had did and they she they can show them to the school. Then one of her friends had said that what was that going to do for her. Her other friends had said the it will show what a good person she was. They had gotten all the people from the school and they had showed them what a good person she was. Many people had thought it was funny because of her smile. later on they had saw that she was a good person. Her friends had told the hole school if they want to talk to her they will take them to her house. But what her friends did not know was that her mom let her go live with her father for everybody to leave her alone. when the hole school got close to her home they had saw that there was a moving van and there was anna bring her thing to the van to leave with her father. They had ran as fast as they could and they got there just in time to stop her from leaving. Many people were suprise that she was leaving. her friends were sad because they didnt want her to leave. Anna was suprise that the hole school was there and she didnt know what to say. Her friends had told her that they where here to say thier sorry because of what they had said to you. Anna said that it was to late because she was leaving with her father she didnt want to stay her no more.Her friends and the hole school tried to make her stay. They all said that they were sorry and many of them had taken back what they had said. Her mom was cryig because she wanted Anna to stay with her so Anna did not know what to do no more. When her dad called saying that she couldent come with him because he had to take the plane to aother state and work. And she had to stay with her mom the rest of the year. Every one got so happy that she wasent living no more. And threw a big party and every one was really happy to have her back.

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