Friday, February 27, 2009

my wish from barack obama

My wish for barack obama is for him to help with the women right for them not have an abortion. Or for them to have a abortion. I can give you three reason why.
It not the babies fault they didn’t ask to be born they didn’t be ask for them to be bought into the world.
many women that do get abortion is because they had gotten rape or some thing like that.
some women that even don’t want a baby the just a not ready for the baby or babies.
do you believe In having a abortion.

it not the baby fault they didn’t ask to be born and now there mother is going to do that to them
There mother should be responsible for getting pregnant . if they didn’t want to they should have been careful.
they should not take it out on the baby they can have the baby and then they can give it up for adoptions.
do you really want that abortion now.

then you have the women that do want o abortion because they might have gotten rape.
many they want to because they don’t want a reminder that they have gotten rape.
many people just don’t want to go throw with that anymore and they might think it the best way.
do really want that abortion.

some women they don’t even want a baby they didn’t plan on having baby
some think that if they don’t have money for a baby they think a Abortion is the right thing to do.
or some might be teenagers that had made a mistake and they that they only way for them not to get in trouble
do you really in having a abortion.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life changing event

The life chaning event for me was when Jose died he was a very good friend to me and when he died he was really young and that it made me think about life. IT made me think about how life can be short. That you can die anytime with out any body expecting it. I thought about thinks that i never want to do in my life. before i look at life like if you die you die there nothing you can do about it. But to know that he gone i reazlize it will be hard for your parents and your family and your friends for them knowing that there he not there anymore.

You just have to live your life and do thing in your life try to become somebody. For me i never really knew what i want to be in life. i thought that i was just guuna go to high school and then i was going to start to work. But for me to have a friend that is gone and that even get a chance to do anything with his life. It made me think about that i want to do something with my life. i want to change my life around and not to be the same person that i was. I want to care about my school work and to be rude or mean to my family and my friends beacuse at the end there going to be the only ones that care about me.

I really belive that any body can be anything or any one if you want to. But you have to try hard go school. For me not to be invole with any kind of gang becuase that will not take me any where it will just get you in trouble. Make me do things that i want to do . Also that there is many thing that i can do. Is that i cant let any body bring me down i just have to make it for myself. Also that i can show people that i can make it with being in a gang and doing bad thing in my life.

This my life changing event it took for me and every body else that knew Jose that life was short and that anything can happen at any time with out any expecting it and some people dont even think about it but it can happen before you know it. you have to make your life out of something because if you dont then nobody will let you do any thing with your life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

parents are the best techers.

our parents can be the best teachers and i can give you three reason why.
They can show you many more subjects then math, and reading,
They will not get mad when you don’t get a answer right
They can show you more displain then your other teachers.
Your parents can teach you more then any other person because they had show you more when you were little

They can show you many more subjects then math and reading
They can show you another language that your teacher don't know they also can show you things about that language that your teacher don't know. they can also show you more things like science they can take you on a flied trip and show you the different type of things that are there
they also can show you the life science Like the plants and they can take you outside to show you about the plants. if you dont undrstand they can show you again

if you dont understand one thing they can show you again . They can keep showing you that one or more thing that you dont understand because there will be only one person there and it will be reslly eas to show you. it will be really easy for that person to understand.

They can show you more then just any subject. they can show how to act and they can show you how to talk the right way. They will aslo show you what right from wrong and it better coming from your parents then anybody else. They can also show you how like not to be in a gang thing that a regular teacher cant show you. your parents can teach you more then any body else.

parents can be the best teachers and I can give you three reason why.
They can show you many more subjects then math, and reading,
They will not get mad when you don’t get a answer right
They can show you more displain then your other teachers.
Your parents can teach you more then any other person because they had show you more when you were little
These are my three reason why your parents can be the best teacher.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The skill everyone needs

The skill that I think that everyone should know is math. I think that you should know math because there is a lot of ways that math is use in the world. There is using math when your at work. Then you have to use math when your at school. You also have to use math in a everyday life.

Then you will have to learn how to do the math at school for you to get a good job. You will need to learn how to count money with out your hands. You need to know to all that because you don’t want to have a bad job. You need to know math for you to do all your work. You need to know how to count money. Then you need to know how to do or put money in decimals. you will also need to know how to do fraction. There is many things that you have to do with math. You will also need to pay your bills when you get older and you will have to pay attention in class to do all those things because if you don’t you wont have good job n you will not have to your own house or your own car., you will want to do good and not have job that you will not.

You will use math for every job that you will have. There is math in every job that you get so you will have to pay attention at the ties that your in school for you to know all of that math at you need to know. You will use math he most if you work some where big. Like a bank or something. In the bank you will need to know how to count money. You will need to know how much to put in or not in the bank. At the end of the day you will have to count all the money and you have to put it back for your boss or some new to now what or how much is there. Then you will have to put in decimals. For other people that you work with know and how much is in there.

You will have to use the math in a everyday life. You will have to use the when your at school. Then when your at work. You will also need to know math when you buy things at the store. Like when you but car and when you will buy house or when you will buy any thing in any store. You will not want people to play you in then store. They will sometime give you the wrong amount back and they will make the price more then it already is. And when you buy the house they will try to make the price higher. That why you need to know own your money because they will play you with your money. And how to count and all the other stuff.

The skill that I think that everyone should know is math. I think that you should know math because there is a lot of ways that math is use in the world. There is using math when your at work. Then you have to use math when your at school. You also have to use math in a everyday life. These are my reasons why you will need to know math.
Because you don’t want people to play you with your money. You also will want a good job.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The best day ever

The best day of my life was when i met jasmin,dalia, sandra,jacky,jackie,and adriana. when i met them it was the best day of my life. it was the the my second year of 6th grade and i thought that it was going to be very boring because none of my other friends were. then i saw that jacjy was in my class and that it was going to be a good year. then that when i met jasmin,dalia,sandra,jackie, and adriana. we all click as one and there was no problems we had alot of fun. we all talked. then we found out that there as alot of us that had failed. we talked the hole time that we had a chance. the more we talked we had found out that we had alot in common. then we all got to sit by each other. we had talked about the things that we had in common. like that we all came from a big family. and that we all spoke a different langauge. then we had said that how many brothers and sister we had. we talked about were we live and who we live with we had alot of fun. by the time we had walked out the door we had all became friends.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

when i look at her smile i knew she was up to something. nobody knew what to think of her smile. many people had said that her smile had look like she was a trouble maker. many people had said that her smile had made her look crazy. if something happen at her school and it was bad people say it was the girl with the crazy smile. many people had thought it was funny but they knew it was not true. that it was not her fault. many of her problem with her smile happen at school or if she was with her friends. when people saw her smiling her and her friends when they where at the mall people will call her the a trouble maker. they will say that a smile of somebody that stole something. she will feel bad and did not know what to do any more. her friends told her not to worry about it. they all will tell her that people were crazy and they dont know what they are talking about. To me i really didnt care what her smile was or how it look she was a good person. At school she did not want to smile any more. she just kept to her self she did not smile any more. She will tell her friends that she felt like a freak and she didnt want to smile any more. there where days where she did not smile and many people can be standing in front of her and say where the girl with the crazy smile. there was rumors that she had left to a new school and they were also that they had drove her out the school and they thought it was funny. then she stop going to school . Her friends had tryed really hard and they couldnt do any thing to make her go to school again. Her mom tried everything to get her daughter to smile again. Then her friends had came up with a idea for her to come to school. They had made videos with all the things they had did and they she they can show them to the school. Then one of her friends had said that what was that going to do for her. Her other friends had said the it will show what a good person she was. They had gotten all the people from the school and they had showed them what a good person she was. Many people had thought it was funny because of her smile. later on they had saw that she was a good person. Her friends had told the hole school if they want to talk to her they will take them to her house. But what her friends did not know was that her mom let her go live with her father for everybody to leave her alone. when the hole school got close to her home they had saw that there was a moving van and there was anna bring her thing to the van to leave with her father. They had ran as fast as they could and they got there just in time to stop her from leaving. Many people were suprise that she was leaving. her friends were sad because they didnt want her to leave. Anna was suprise that the hole school was there and she didnt know what to say. Her friends had told her that they where here to say thier sorry because of what they had said to you. Anna said that it was to late because she was leaving with her father she didnt want to stay her no more.Her friends and the hole school tried to make her stay. They all said that they were sorry and many of them had taken back what they had said. Her mom was cryig because she wanted Anna to stay with her so Anna did not know what to do no more. When her dad called saying that she couldent come with him because he had to take the plane to aother state and work. And she had to stay with her mom the rest of the year. Every one got so happy that she wasent living no more. And threw a big party and every one was really happy to have her back.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 things i want to do with my life time

i want to graduate the 8 grade
i want to graduate high school
i want to go to school to become a nurse
i want to go see different place
have fun with my friends
go to hawaii with Dalia
send time with my family
i want to have alot of fun
go to parties
buy a house
buy a car
have 3 or 4kids
get married
see different place
i want to take my kids allover the world
i want to be known as some body
i can make clothes
take my kids to travel
i want to see my family in mexico
i want to vist florida
i want to go to paris
i want to go to new mexico
i want to go to calfornia
i want to help kids that are trying to put their life together that had mess up in their life and they want to be some body