Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Case Of Benjamin Button Chapters 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

1). one problems that i think that he will encounter is that when he gets younger that might take what ever he has done because he his young and they wants somebody that is older and they noe what they are doing.
HE can sign a papr saying that these things are his and that nobody can take them from him even when he dies they will have that paper saying that these thing are his.

2).I think that the second problem that he will have is that every time he gets younger is parents are geting older who going to take care of him when he is a baby.
if his parents see that he is geting younger and that they are getting oldr they can leave him to somebody to watch him

3). i think another thing that he is going ot encounter is that what is he going to do about his son and his wife that he had. his he going to remember them as he gets younger and everything on how it happen .
Also that what if his son that he had will now who he is
benjamin can write in a note booking telling his life to his son saying what happen and telling him what he went through.