Wednesday, April 29, 2009



Well for me i think that if uncle billy didn't leave them behind they would have left before the snowstorm would have came and they would have time to make it in time. They still would have some food or water and that they will had gotten there in time. Also that they would had something to take them there. But uncle billy was mean and he took the horses with him and he left them with nothing he left the there to die. If he would not have left them all of them would have made it. they would had some where to stay and that and they would had the things that they needed to live.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


freedom the story of a hour
This story was about this lady that was control by her husband and that when she finds out that her husband was dead she was happy.But she was also happy that her husband was dead but she didnt want to say anything. she had cried but she wantd to go to her room to be byu her self. she would talk about how things are going to be differnet now that he was gone. she would look out the window and that and talk about all the freedom that she was going ot hav now that he was gone. Then her sister came to the room and got her cause thought that she was going to make herself sick and she came out and that when she came out her room and that when she saw her husband she just died os shock cause she thought that he was died and that she was going to be free.

disabled and rich v.spoor the blind man

This was about a man that was blind and that nobody really like him and that they saw that he was blind and thye really didnt want to do any thing to help him. they would lock their gate for him not to come cause they didnt like him. everybody would just walkin arourd him with out a word and that they would make him go away. but when the most imporant man that got ran over by two cars every body had went to see what happen cause he was imporant he was the rich man. but when they blind man that need help the most they never helpd him they just let him walk by himself.

Racism Desiree's babby
Was about this girl that was found as a girl by some lady. but they lady that found her they rasied her like their own. but when it came to wear she had to get married she had found some one of her dreams. they had gotten married and that they had went to g0 and live with him they also had a baby together and there was change but one day he had a idea that his wife and baby were black and that he didnt want any thing to do with them. he had sent them away and he had his people burn everything that they had touch or that had to do with his wife and son. but he had found a letter that was from his mother and that he read it and it came to him to find out that he was the one that was black and not his wife and son.

Friday, April 24, 2009


write down your observation on this experiment
what i saw in this experiment was that when they heard that they were going to do a experiment on to became young again they didnt really belive. They had thought they it was a joke and that but when they drink it they wanted more. But i gave them more to show myself that they are really not going to change. I knew that were not going ot change when i told them that they had to put a set of rules they didnt want to do it they just wanted to drink the water to see if it was true. So when they drank the water they saw that things were changing they got greedy and they wanted more water. So when they drank more they wanted to saty young again. But also that when i saw that they were the same way as they were younger that there was no change and that they were not going to change. I just sat there and let them go crazy just to show them that they are not going to change. ONe was talking about the old day trying to get money from other poeple. they other one was just siting there because he was drunk. Also that they other man was talking about politctions. Alos that the widow wyclery as just looking in the mirrior because she was young again. they All started fighting over widow wycherley. They all grab her and they all wanted to dance with her. SO with them fighting they drop the water and then they saw that there were getting old again . But the didnt want to be old again so they were going ot find more of that water for them to be young again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


SO he was standing there with the letter and that he didnt know what to say or think. He had just burned all of his wife and baby things cause they had touch them. But he is the one that is mix and he made his wife and baby go away cause he thought that they were half balck. He dose not under stand he is lost cause he didnt know that his mother was half black. HE only knows what his dad had told him about his mom that what not much. So right now he is really lost and dont know what to say. He thinks about geting his wife back but he dont know how adn how he should tell her about his mother. Armand keeps the letter to himself untill he finds all the truth about his mom and his dad. He had felt bad about burning all the things that had belong to his wife and to his child. But for armand he has now knows thathe sent the women thathe had loved far away cause he thought that she was black. but when he reads the letter that his mom had worte to his dad he feels like he did a bad thing. But the damage was done and he had to go and get his wife and son back before it to late. The people never asks on why did he burn the things that belong to his wife and to his child.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If you were given a choice to have a operation that would make you much smarter would you you do it ,especially if you knew two effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? use examples from the story.

No i would not because if they will tell me that is a chance that it might not work why would i go through all that trouble if it dose not work. Then if the doctors tell me that there is a chance that it might not work. I would not want to be happy and be smart for a little while and then it will go away like it never happen. They had done the surgery for charlie but when they had did the surgery for him they had to show him how to read and to spell the words the right why for him to under stand what they are and what they mean. for charlie they had read the same story for him to remember what it was. Also that he had this teacher that helped him all the way from the beginning to it will finish. She also helped him with his spelling by him using the dictionary he had to copy the word from it and learn the words by saying it over and over again. Then hewould have to write in the book on how things are going for him. Also that from them to know that you will get smart they had tested you with they mice and see if you can get and see if you can get the maze done before the mouse had finish. Aslo that for him slowly it was going away he start forgetthingthings and he didnt remember things. it was slowly going away. He would go back to the lady that washelping him but he really didnt need to because he was not in that class anymore. It was more harderon the people that help him because all that had went away from him. so from all that, that happen to charlie i will not wantto go through wit it i just rather been how i am and do things my own way.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Case Of Benjamin Button Chapters 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7 predict three problems you think benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

1). one problems that i think that he will encounter is that when he gets younger that might take what ever he has done because he his young and they wants somebody that is older and they noe what they are doing.
HE can sign a papr saying that these things are his and that nobody can take them from him even when he dies they will have that paper saying that these thing are his.

2).I think that the second problem that he will have is that every time he gets younger is parents are geting older who going to take care of him when he is a baby.
if his parents see that he is geting younger and that they are getting oldr they can leave him to somebody to watch him

3). i think another thing that he is going ot encounter is that what is he going to do about his son and his wife that he had. his he going to remember them as he gets younger and everything on how it happen .
Also that what if his son that he had will now who he is
benjamin can write in a note booking telling his life to his son saying what happen and telling him what he went through.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The curious Case Of Benjamin Button Chapter 2

Roger is so overly concered with benjamin looks and worried about what people are going to say what should he do?
I think that he should hide the it for alittle while. then when people start talking about it saying things about there son. He can start telling people that it is his son. because he cant hide any thing that big and that everybody knows that he has a son. he just has to deal with it on how his son came out. he just had to have patience and see what happens. Also that there is really nothing you can do about what happen.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button Chapter 1

What would you have done if your were Roger Botton in chapter1?
If i was Roger Buton and i had found out that my son came out a old man i would have been scared that he was my son. i would have ran away not sure what to do. I would have told people that he was a family member from out of town. Also that if they ask about the baby i would have said that they had lost the baby. Also that i would say that the old man was my uncle and that he came to help us.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Full of lies

Full of lies
How you told me that you were going to be there from the start
That there was not going to be no more lies and no more games
Then you went around and played me
How you told your boys how you made me cry
Then I told your girl that you were full of lies
How you told me you were going to be there from the start
You had went and broke my heart all over again
How can you sit there and tell my girls that I am the one
How can you tell so many lies
Maybe I am the one lieing to myself how can I love some one that
Lies so much
How you told me that you were going to be there from the start
You told me that things were going to be different
And that we can start all over again
That there was not going to be no more lies
But you still go around and tell me all these lies
How can I stay with some one that lies
Maybe we both can move on
But that will be a lie
We had went through some much together
How you told me that you were going to be there from the start
From now on no more lies…….