1). one of the things i learn was that at one of the camps of auschwitz they at least 6,000 were gases each day.
2). They also made were they took showers they made them small and put a hloe bunche of people there for them to die faster.
3). They also made a gased van it was a sealed truck and that for the engine exhaust and the diverted they had that run into the inside of the van for many people to die.
4). where they had the killing center they gas was mostly carbon monoxide gas.
5.) Nazis they were always look for more ways to extermination the jew and many other.
6.) many were sent to the killing center because it was different from the other one like the labor camps and the camps .in this camp they got to do what ever they wanted to do.
7.) The german SS and they police killed at least 2,700,000 jews
8.) They killed that many people by them shooting them or by poision gas.
9.)In March 1942 and November 1943 they had killed 1,526,500 people in the killing center
10.) the people that had just arrived there they were not given a chance to live.
when they first got there they were sent to the chambers for them to die.
11.) many had a very small exception for a special work that was called the sonderkommandos.
12.) in the spring of 1943 they had four gas chambers.
13.)All the chambers they had use the same gas it was called the Zykoln B poison gas.
14.)The girls they had to dut their hair when they got to the camp.
15.) They also made the girls dress as boys
16.) the people wereill they killed them any ways cause they thought that they not good enough.
17.) The younger they were they had a better chance of living.
18.) They had to do forced labor laws where they will tell them if they wanted to live they had to do what they were told.
19.) they will bet to see who will live longer
20.) when they put them to work they didnt have all the things that they need to go to work.
21.) they were often hungry cause they didnt have any kind of food for them to eat.
22.) They also made them to do that they didnt want them to do. It was very humiliating for them.
23.)by the end of the year they had many of the jews men join the army for there own personal ecomonic gain.
24.) In 1939 they had conquered poland. so they made men for poland and the jewish people do forced labor with out them geting paid
25.)WHEN they made them to forced labor they made them live in the ghettos.
26.) Alot of it was maneul labor they had called it the lodz ghetto where they had to work in a factory. In the factory they had to make things for the german war efforts.
27.)then in1939 the nationalsozialistische deusche arbeiterpartei. when they came they came and tool over. they also came in with all they power they had to take over germany.
28.)On May 10,1940 the german army came to invade netherlands.
29.)But for anne frank and her family it was worst for them when the discrimination of may15,1940.
30.) jews were not able to have their own businesses.
31.) It was friday August 4,1944 that was the day that they had found the people that were hiding. Anne frank and her family and many other were found.
32.)they people that were helping them they had went to jail for helping them.
33.)August8,1944 they people that were hidingh they had been sent to punnnishment block.
34.) the men were separated from the women
35.) then the women were separated form the children.
36.) the groups were divided into group that group that can work. and they other group that they were going to kill off right away.
37.) in 1933 and 1945 they had established 20,000 camps to imprision people
38.) they killed the people that were homosexual
40.) they had the death march.
41.) they found 14,000 pounds of human hair.
42.)they had different things that they had to wear.
43.) the blue and gray with the letter p on it it meant that it ws a polish prisoner
44.)millions of people they were imprisoned and they were abused.
45.)SS management and the germans they had killed more three mililons jews.
46.) a small fraction of those that were imprisoned in those camps they surivied.
47.there was alot more people that were killed in the gas chambers
48. some were shot in the back in the head.
49. when they did they death march they were killed on they way there,
50. when they had a family that they wanted to kill them they will shot them one at a time.
jaxc Tidak ada entri. Mulai nge-blog!
10 years ago
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