Friday, March 20, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her Death was due to a mysterious circumstances& I was assigned to the case. The victim is ‘5’2’ high school student 18 years old found dead in the ally cover with the trash cans. As the officer that were first called to the scene And was first telling the officer that was assigned to the case. Deceive Jazmine had made it right after they had called her. But then deceive Jazmine had made it and had saw her to her she was no stranger she was one of the rape victim that had came in two weeks early that she had been raped. Jazmine was so upset that she did not get that much time with her after she got in. But it was up to Deceive Jazmine to find her rapist and her murder. Every body that have been called to the case they were sitting in the officer when Jazmine had gotten there. Nobody remember who she was or her name until I had gotten there. Her name was sally I said. They said and you know this how we just stared on the case. I told them that she was one of the rape victim that had came in two weeks ago. No one remember because they had said that she was lying and that they can tell that she had been drinking and they told her to come back when her story had made since. Jazmine started off again with her names is sally she is 18 years old she been missing from her home for about three days now she lives with her mother and her step father. And four other brother and sisters. My boss MRS. Sanchez she had told me if I wanted to take another case because I had already known the victim and that I know to much. I told that they had called me to solve this case and that what I a gunna do.

Mrs. Sanchez had told me that I can started by telling the family that we had found there daughter and told them what had happen. I went to the family home and told them what happen to their daughter the mother was very upset and my partner and I had asked them some question on why their daughter had left and where could she have stayed since she had been gone. Her mother told her that she a had a boyfriend that did not that much far from where her father had live. They had told us that her father had live five minutes away from the school. Also that the father is really not allowed to see her and her other brother because he had been violent in the past and that he had treated them in the past that he was gunna take them away. My partner I asked if they knew the boy friend but they didn’t know any thing about him just that he didn’t live that far from her father and that his name was Jason. We had also asked if they had known anything about her being rape and her mother got some mad and upset that she had told us to leave.

Partner had told me that it was not normal for a mother to do that if they had come and told me that something happen to my kid I would have help in anyway that I can. I told him that maybe it was to soon to tell her that her daughter might have been rape. He disagree and he said that I was the right time because they had need to know everything that had happen to her. They had called them to see and talk to the person that was taking care of the body . they had told me that she had been rape before she was killed and that he was not that sure on how she die. He said that was many ways that she could have die but he was not that sure. I ask one of the ways that she could have die and he said that first of all I cant tell you because I am not that sure but I can tell you this that she was 5 months pregnant and that they can give the name of who the baby father was. I asked him what the sex of the baby was and he said it was going to be a baby boy. The father was her boyfriend Jason my partner had wanted to go but they had called him to a new case and they had said that I had to do this all on my own. I had went to the baby father house and his mother had answer the door and we told why I was there and that she told me that her son was not there. But I can tell that she was lying and that I had to come in. I had to ask her son some questions and tell hi why I was here. But it was like he knew and that he didn’t want to talk to me. I told him that it was about his girl friend he told me that he thought I was there to arrest him for stealing cars. But when told him that his girlfriend was murder all he keep asking was when and how did his happen? I had told him if he knew anything about her being pregnant and he she that his hole family had knew and that he was going to marry her and that he had already have given her a ring about two weeks ago. When had told him that when we found her she did not have a ring and that she was wearing her school uniform. He had told many things that the mother did not want to tell us on how she was rape on her ways from school by some guy that had grab her off the bus. And after that she had told us that her family really mistreated her. It was only her and her older brother . He told me that he left the house when he was 16 but he could not take his sister cuz she was only 13 years old and her mother would not let him take her. That he had felt bad that he had to leave her behind. I had asked them about if she knew the person who had rape her and her boyfriend had said that she knew of one person but she was not that sure and I ask him on sure was she and he said that she was about 80% that it was this one guy that she had dated along time ago.

That he had been follow her after they had broke-up. I asked why did they break –up and he said that he use to hit her allot and that he did not let her do anything. Also that she could not have any friends but him. Before I left the house they had told me that she ran away was because her step- father had tried to get with her that he had tried many times but she just keep pushing him away and that she will tell her brother and her brother will come to the house and that one time they had called the police and they had took the brother away. I asked for her brother name and that his name was jerry and that he was married and that he had two kids. Also that sally was the only one and her father that had kept talking to him. I asked him if the father was a good person and he said that he was and that the father knew that she was having a baby and so did her brother. I had went to the brother house and told him about his sister and her brother didn’t want to believe it all he kept saying was that he was going to kill him. I ask him who he was going to kill and he said that he was going to kill his step father because the last time that he was there he told him that he was going to get his sister before any body exec pet it and that all the tim she call the police on him she was going to pay. I asked him that what he told you.Her brother jerry had said yea that what he told me. He told me before they had taken me away that night from the house. I had went and got the ex boy friend and staring asking him questions and then I ask the step father the same question that I had asked the ex boy friend and that their story was the same that there was no change. I had went to my boss and that she had to me to get the DNA from the night she was murder and that to get a warrant to get there exboy friend to see if one or both killed her that night. I had went to go and see the body but when I went down there her brother jerry was done there crying an looking at her body and on the other table there was the parts of the baby on the table. I had went and cover it up for only where he can she the face of his sister and for where he cant see the baby. I had asked him why he was there and he said that he didn’t want to believe it when I told him and that he wanted to see if it was really his sister. I told him that when had his step father and her ex boyfriend because we think that they had something to do with her murder that night. To her brother that was no surprise that they has some thing to do with because they only wanted her for something and that they really didn’t give her that much freedom until she left and started dating Jason. I told him that he had to leave because I had to have the person tell me what had happen to her. Then he left and the person that had check the bodies he had came in and told me that it was not the step father or the ex boyfriend. I was back to square one again because I had no ones else to that had done anything or had talk to her before she die.

I had went back to the father house and ask him if he had knew anybody that she had talk to a lot and that knew about her having a baby. He told me that she a best friend named Ashley but they had gotten into a fight because Jason was he exboyfreind and that she still love himand she mad that sally had went out with him but they got over it and became friends again but after that when she found out that she was having his baby she was really mad and told her that she need o be careful because something was going to happen to her.

He ask me when can he get the body to put her to rest I told him not yet because I still need to find out what happen to your daughter . My phone had rang and I was taking to the person that was taking care of the body and that he told me that he had found another set of DNA in the body and that it was female and that before she died she had put up a fight to save her selft. He told me to look at my phone and look at the picture that he made them send me and it was her best friend Ashley.

I had went to Ashely house and I had bring her into my office and I started talking to her and kept talking to her until my boss came and told me that I had to get out for her to talk to her. I told her that it was my case and that I wanted to finish it that I almost had her and that she was going to tell what had happen that night. My boss told me to go in but I had to watch what I was saying and get her to tell me everything that she had did. And that what I did I got her to tell me everything that she had did to her and why she did it. She told me that she had follow her to the bus stop and got on with her but she didn’t see me and after she got off I got of with her to. I was wearing all black with a mask for her not to see me. She had went to the ally as normal and I hit her over and over again and I was crying and telling her why did she do this to me I thought that we were friends. After I was done it took the ring that had blong to me in the first place and I had left her there cover with the trash. I told the officer to take her away and I had walk out the room for me to know that I had found her killer but there was still one more thing that I need to do for she still can have the justice that she need.

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