Monday, May 18, 2009


(page 832)

1.)The families must obey strict rules to avoid discovery. Which rules would be the hardest for you to follow? Why?
The rule that will be hardest for me to follow will be not to more that much and to not make noise. That will be hard cuz I have to move around and that I will get bored I will have to talk.
2.)In scene 1 what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret? Mr. Frank finds a white glove. (b). how are the objects connected with the rest of the act? They are connect by he reading her diary and that when he reads it he remembers what had happen to him and his family.
3.)What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families? That it the only thing that they have. And for there Hanukkah it is Christmas for them. (B)what do anne present show about her? They show that she still cares and that even though they are still hiding that any thing can be done. (C) why do the others react with enthusiasm to their present? I think that they act that why because they didn’t think that there were not going to any thing.
4.)With a partner. Discuss Mr. Frank statement there are….. no locks that anyone can put on your mind howdoes anne prove that this is true? Anne prove that it is true because she tell everybody how she feels. She speaks her mind to everybody.
5.)What is the historical cause that forces the franks to go into hiding? They have to go into hiding cause they are lookng for the people that are jewish and they are taking them in to camps for them to be working or they will be killed. (B) what effects dose this situation have on their dailuy lives? what it does is that they cant do anything that the normally do.
6.)In scene 2, Anne and peter discuss the star of david on their clothes. What effects do the nazis intend the wearing of the stars of the jews? They have done them because that is to show that they are jews and that it was put on all of there clothes for everybody to that they are jewish. (B) what background information about the war and the nazis treatment of the jews helps you to link this cause with intended effects? That they wanted to be the only race and that they made sure that they were going to be the only race.
7.) complete an organizer like the one shown below with the examples of the dialogue that achieve each purpose reveals characters and the relationships

advances the action of the plot:

develops the conflict:

8.) after Mr Kraler aks if jan dussel can join the franks and the vandaans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveals about there persoalites ? is that they were a getting tried of a hole bunch of people and that with them having one more person. it was alot. they really didnt have enough food and they didnt have enough room so it would have been hard for allo of them .


1.) what do you like best about anne frank? what i like about her was that she spoke her mind she tryed to keep other people happy even though they had to be in would you like her a s a friend? for me having her as a friend would have been good.

2.) what disturbing news does Mr. Kralers bring on news years day? was that the guy that ha went in there he was remembering that there was a door and that when he got there it was a book shelve. (B) that he was going to be the one that told on them.

3.) what is the time span of act II? that they were there for 1year and a half. (B) how have the characters changed? they have change like they dont want to be by them. they just want to leave and go back to there own lives. (C) Anne had change alot her and her mother they dont getalong but she is more aware of the the things that are going around.

4.) how can Anne believe that spite... of everything.... people are still really good at heart?i think that she thought that because she was a person that thought that everyone was good even though they did bad things. (B) what does Mr Frank. mean when she says she put me to shame. He means that all the people that had casue them alot of trouble anne still thought that they were all good when she was still angry cause he lost his family.

5.) for each of the follwing events, identify one cause and one effect. Mr.Van Daan decision to steal food. that a effect. (B) Mrs. frank change of heart about wanting the Van Daan to leave cause.

6.what are some of the possible cause Mrs. Van Daan attitude toward anne and peter relationship? she didnt want anything to go on with them.
7.)living in close quaters had multiple effects on the residents of the sercret annex. list three that result from this single cause. There was notalot of things for them to have.
There was no space for them they all had to share that little space. They also were not able to go outside they had no freedom.

8.) characters: Action: motivation:
Miep: bring flowers and cake for them to have a happy new years

Mr Van: he took the bread he was hungry

peter Nan Dann he brought his cat that was to keep him company

9.) what possible motivation might an informer have telling the authorites about the family in hiding? Was hat there was not alot you can do. also that they had to be queit. there was not alot for them to do. There was not alot o eat for them. that itwas really hard.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

50 things i learn about the holocaust.

1). one of the things i learn was that at one of the camps of auschwitz they at least 6,000 were gases each day.

2). They also made were they took showers they made them small and put a hloe bunche of people there for them to die faster.

3). They also made a gased van it was a sealed truck and that for the engine exhaust and the diverted they had that run into the inside of the van for many people to die.

4). where they had the killing center they gas was mostly carbon monoxide gas.

5.) Nazis they were always look for more ways to extermination the jew and many other.

6.) many were sent to the killing center because it was different from the other one like the labor camps and the camps .in this camp they got to do what ever they wanted to do.

7.) The german SS and they police killed at least 2,700,000 jews

8.) They killed that many people by them shooting them or by poision gas.

9.)In March 1942 and November 1943 they had killed 1,526,500 people in the killing center

10.) the people that had just arrived there they were not given a chance to live.

when they first got there they were sent to the chambers for them to die.

11.) many had a very small exception for a special work that was called the sonderkommandos.

12.) in the spring of 1943 they had four gas chambers.

13.)All the chambers they had use the same gas it was called the Zykoln B poison gas.

14.)The girls they had to dut their hair when they got to the camp.

15.) They also made the girls dress as boys

16.) the people wereill they killed them any ways cause they thought that they not good enough.

17.) The younger they were they had a better chance of living.

18.) They had to do forced labor laws where they will tell them if they wanted to live they had to do what they were told.

19.) they will bet to see who will live longer
20.) when they put them to work they didnt have all the things that they need to go to work.
21.) they were often hungry cause they didnt have any kind of food for them to eat.
22.) They also made them to do that they didnt want them to do. It was very humiliating for them.
23.)by the end of the year they had many of the jews men join the army for there own personal ecomonic gain.
24.) In 1939 they had conquered poland. so they made men for poland and the jewish people do forced labor with out them geting paid
25.)WHEN they made them to forced labor they made them live in the ghettos.
26.) Alot of it was maneul labor they had called it the lodz ghetto where they had to work in a factory. In the factory they had to make things for the german war efforts.
27.)then in1939 the nationalsozialistische deusche arbeiterpartei. when they came they came and tool over. they also came in with all they power they had to take over germany.
28.)On May 10,1940 the german army came to invade netherlands.
29.)But for anne frank and her family it was worst for them when the discrimination of may15,1940.
30.) jews were not able to have their own businesses.
31.) It was friday August 4,1944 that was the day that they had found the people that were hiding. Anne frank and her family and many other were found.
32.)they people that were helping them they had went to jail for helping them.
33.)August8,1944 they people that were hidingh they had been sent to punnnishment block.
34.) the men were separated from the women
35.) then the women were separated form the children.
36.) the groups were divided into group that group that can work. and they other group that they were going to kill off right away.
37.) in 1933 and 1945 they had established 20,000 camps to imprision people
38.) they killed the people that were homosexual
40.) they had the death march.
41.) they found 14,000 pounds of human hair.
42.)they had different things that they had to wear.
43.) the blue and gray with the letter p on it it meant that it ws a polish prisoner
44.)millions of people they were imprisoned and they were abused.
45.)SS management and the germans they had killed more three mililons jews.
46.) a small fraction of those that were imprisoned in those camps they surivied.
47.there was alot more people that were killed in the gas chambers
48. some were shot in the back in the head.
49. when they did they death march they were killed on they way there,
50. when they had a family that they wanted to kill them they will shot them one at a time.

Friday, May 8, 2009

solving a problem on the streets.

I think the biggest problem that are on the streets that it really big is the streets violence. And I can give you three reason why
So much violence that children cant play outside
You cant look at somebody with out them getting mad
You cant wear what you want in school because of the gangs that are around.
You children and not going to be able to play where they want. You have cant look around with out other people thinking your talking about them and you cant the clothes that you want to wear.

There is to much violence that you children cant play outside with out them being botter by the gang members and they try to show them that if there it the gang it will be better for them.
then when the children are out side the gang members walking around and some other gang that don’t like them they come and shoot at them they can hit one of the little kids that are there.

Also when they are selling drugs and when your kids see something like that they think that they are going to say something and that they will try to do something to them to make them stay quiet.

you cant wear the clothes that you want because of the gangs that are around you.
Then cant wear what ever color you want because of the gangs that live by you
Then you will get into a fight with the other gangs because of the colors that you are wearing.
Then at school you cant wear the colors that you want because there are many differenent children that came from differnet gangs and that will start more trouble.
you cant even look at the wrong way with out them getting in your face.
When your outside you cant even look our your block because they might think that your looking at them.
even when your walking around with people that are in your family they will start something when you didn’t do anything.
Also that when you are by your self and not doing any thing they will come up to thinking that you were look at them when you were not even looing at them.

I think the biggest problem that are on the streets that it really big is the streets violence. Where you have to because where you say or how you look around. Or even what colors you clothes are. These effects a lot of people that are around you cause they cant do anything or play or look where you want to because they are there.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I live my mother and my father and my little sister to. we are very poor and we hardly have any thing to eat. Gretel and i were awake when were heard them say that were going to take us to the deep into the woods. Gretel began to cry because she didn't want to go away. so i told her that every thing was going to be alright. i had went and got some pebbles for me to put along the way for us to come home with no trouble at all. my father had ask me why do it keep looking back and i told him that my little kitten wanted to say good by to me. my mother told me that it was not cat it was just the Sun that it was coming up. They kept on walking and that but there was not a cat for me to look at. I was just dropping the pebbles that i had pick up. we were in the woods and that we had to pick up some wood for our father to make a fire. Gretel and i had pick up some of the wood and any thing that we can find for our father to make a fire. our mother told us that they were going to work and that after they were done working they were coming to get up. when noon came around they had to eat the bread that there mother gave them. Then when it became dark Gretel started to cry i told her to go to sleep and that when the sun will come up that we will find our way home. we ad gotten there but by the look that our mother on her face was that she didn't want us there. Our mother and our father were talking and our mother was saying that there was not enough food.and tout us deeper into the woods. i wanted to get more pebbles but mother had locked the door and i couldn't leave anymore. the next day she woke us up and she gave us some bread but i had crumbled the bread into my pocket for us to find our way home. we Had went deeper into the woods and that we had to get wood for us to have a fire. Gretel and i had share a piece of bread and she started to cry and that i told her to go to sleep and we will wake up in when the sun comes up and we can find our way home. when the sun came up we had started to walk and we were tried and that we could not find our way home. we were just getting deeper into the woods. we had walked for a long time. we had ate some berries that we had found in the wood. then we had took a nap. we started to walk again and that we a saw some house that a bird that was sinning. but when Thebird finish it went and flew away. when we reached the house i saw that the house was made out of bread. i had tasted to see if the hose tasted good and that when i tasted it. i told Gretel that she can eat the window cause it tasted sweet. as we were eating the door ad open and we saw that it was a old lady. The women was very nice. she nodded her head. the she told poor children. who could have left you here. Then she told us to come in. we had went in and that there was food every where. after we ate we had went to sleep. but we woke up she was already up. she had saw we were still sleeping and then she ad grab me with her cold hands and took me away. she had also put me into a cage for me to get fat for herto cook me. She had woke up my little sister for her to cook and clean and to try to make me fat. all little Gretel could do what she was asked and cry when she was doing it . The lady told her to see if the oven was hot but Gretel had saw what she was going to do. so she said that she didnt kow how. Then the witch had otten mad and push her put the way. She got her herself and that when Gretel had ran to come and save me. when ad gotten alot of things to come home. We had taken jewels and and many other thing for us to come home. they ad went and they ad found away to come home and we andto cross the river. Gretel had called the duck to come and helped them. They had madeit a cross and that we had found our way home and that and we saw our dad house. when saw that he was we ran and grab him around his neck and told him that we were home.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I think that o Henry stories are good. They had alot of detail that are put into them. like in The princess and the puma . like he describe they way became king. also that when he was really not that mean. like at first he had a soft voice. but then when he become king he had a really loud voice. Also that they had when they animals left and ran away from them. but it was a good stories they had put alot of things into it.

Another story that i read from o Henry was that Tommy burglar. it was a very funny story. i like when the little kid started talking to him. that he was not scared of him. that he was talking to him. He didnt tell no body that he was there. He feed him gave him something to drink. Then he let him leave with out getting into trouble.

I also read the afternoon miracle. was OK. it had alotof detail they had every little thing that it said. it had where they talking. also that it every thing that they did. they had when there were fighting.also that it gave alot of detail on how they look and they were dress.

Friday, May 1, 2009


The cat and the dog. The dog and they cat got into a fight over something that was so little that they can be. The toy that they found in the grass. They have not talk in days. But they when the cat found out that the dog had gotten in some kind of trouble and it was to late to say your sorry. The cat realize that should have talk in the first place and they should have share the toy but and the end it came to be to late.